Enabling integration across research infrastructures for accelerating science
March 06, 2025 | Ryan Chard
Welcome to our blog series on using Globus to integrate diverse research infrastructures to accelerate science.
New permissions on runs for flow owners
February 17, 2025 | Brigitte Raumann
A growing number of shared instrument facilities offer flows to their users in order to automate routine workflows, such as data movement between instruments and computing resources, execution of data analysis pipelines, metadata extraction, and publication to data distribution portals. We are working on delivering new features to support these use cases.
Congratulations You Have Built a Globus
January 23, 2025
We read with amusement “Dear friend, you have built a Kubernetes” and “Dear Sir, You have built a compiler”, two tongue-in-cheek commentaries on the tendency to build quick-and-dirty scripts because the best-of-breed solution is “overkill”. We said, “someone should write one of those for Globus.”
Globus meets new security expectations for NIH controlled-access data
December 05, 2024 | Brigitte Raumann
NIH has announced an Implementation Update for Data Management and Access Practices Under the Genomic Data Sharing Policy. Effective January 25, 2025, Approved Users of NIH controlled-access data must attest they maintain such data on institutional IT systems and third-party computing infrastructures compliant with NIST SP 800-171. You can use Globus data management services to meet these new NIH security best practices for controlled-access data at your institution.
Globus Named in Multiple HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards
November 19, 2024
Globus was recognized in the 21st edition of HPCwire awards alongside other contributing organizations, and was named in three HPCwire awards including Editors’ Choice : Best Use of HPC in the Physical Sciences, Readers’ Choice: Best HPC in the Cloud (use case) and Editors’ Choice: Best HPC Response to a Societal Plight.
Globus Celebrates Exascale Day
October 18, 2024 | Susan Tussy
As we join in the celebration of Exascale Day on this 18th day of October 2024 Globus has helped researchers move over 2.8 exabytes of data. It took over ten years before we hit the one exabyte (EB) mark, just over four years to cross the 2 EB line, and just one year later, in 2024, we are rapidly approaching the 3 EB milestone.
Maintenance Downtime for Database Upgrades - Saturday, November 2, 2024
October 16, 2024 | Brigitte Raumann
To accommodate required database upgrades, Globus services will be unavailable for up to one hour beginning at 9:00 am US Central on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
Globus Enables Experiment-Time Data Analysis
July 17, 2024
For over a decade, the ALCF and APS, both DOE Office of Science user facilities, have collaborated to build the infrastructure for integrated ALCF-APS research, including work to develop workflow management tools, and enable secure access to on-demand computing. The Globus platform and suite of tools enabled them to achieve their goals.
Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints
June 25, 2024 | Kevin Hunter Kesling
A multi-user compute endpoint installation streamlines the user’s experience by automating the configuration and management of the compute endpoint agent. Further, while this work is geared toward administrators, non-administrators can also benefit. Let's dig in.
NOAA Deploys Globus in R&D labs to accelerate data transfers
May 30, 2024 | Susan Tussy
Today, NOAA’s on-premises R&D HPC systems, as well as multiple public cloud storage systems, are accessible via Globus.
GridFTP: A Brief History of Fast File Transfer
April 16, 2024 | John Bresnahan
How GridFTP became the de facto standard for data transfer in the scientific community
Continuing Globus support for CC* Awardees in 2024
March 06, 2024 | Vas Vasiliadis
Free Globus subscriptions available to all new CC* awardees.
Introducing Globus Subscription Management
February 20, 2024 | Vas Vasiliadis
The Globus subscription management service adds a new level of convenience for subscription administrators and managers.
Globus Participates in Three-Year Program to Modernize the Earth Systems Grid Federation
February 12, 2024 | Lee Liming
Globus is involved in a three-year program to upgrade the ESGF data nodes operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Globus excels at large-scale data access. So the nodes are being upgraded to use lab-wide storage with Globus access rather than custom storage and data access systems purchased and operated by the climate research teams.
New Open OnDemand feature makes it easier to interact with external data from your cluster
November 14, 2023 | Lee Liming
If you manage a compute cluster for researchers and your cluster has both Open OnDemand and Globus, a new Open OnDemand feature makes it easier for your researchers to transfer files and folders between your cluster and external storage systems.
Globus JavaScript SDK Now Available
November 10, 2023 | Joe Bottigliero
Globus is excited to announce the immediate availability of JavaScript SDK, a core package in our growing JavaScript ecosystem. The release today offers support for a wide set of our platform APIs, including Transfer (and sharing), GCS Manager, Groups (V2), and more.
Globus and ACCESS Simplify Data Management for Supercomputer Users
September 15, 2023 | Lee Liming
One year into the new NSF ACCESS program, Globus and ACCESS continue to work together to simplify the data management experience in the nation’s premier open science computing environment.
Globus Accelerates Data Access and Sharing in Program to Fight Urban Climate Challenges
September 13, 2023 | Susan Tussy
Globus made it easy to move the data off the instruments, and share it out, and also complimented the existing infrastructure. Now they could simply install Globus Connect Personal on the systems with a filesystem and storage, create an endpoint, and immediately share the data with others.
Automate your data management tasks to accelerate discovery
July 11, 2023 | Susan Tussy
Today’s researchers must automate some of their data management tasks as they utilize the newest instruments, many of which generate terabytes of data daily. Globus Flows does just that. It defines and automates simple as well as complex, scalable multi-step, human-in-the-loop data flows securely and reliably.
Support for Globus Connect Server version 4 ends on December 18, 2023
June 21, 2023 | Brigitte Raumann
Globus Connect Server version 5 represents a major evolutionary step in the Globus Connect Server architecture and the latest release has been in production since July, 2020. Support for Globus Connect Server version 4 will be discontinued on December 18, 2023.
Maintenance Downtime for Database Upgrades - Saturday, March 11, 2023
February 17, 2023 | Brigitte Raumann
To accommodate required database upgrades, Globus services will be unavailable for up to two hours beginning at 10 am US Central on Saturday, March 11, 2023.
Globus Connect Server v4 will be deprecated July 31, 2023
January 26, 2023 | Brigitte Raumann
We closed out 2022 by releasing support for migration of all Globus Connect Server version 4 deployment configurations. Today we are announcing that Globus Connect Server version 4 will be...
Globus capabilities available to all users of NSF ACCESS cyberinfrastructure
January 03, 2023 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
When XSEDE, NSF’s national cyberinfrastructure from 2011 to 2021, was first established, it subscribed to the then-new Globus data transfer service to provide a universal data fabric spanning XSEDE resource...
Globus Flows Service Notice
January 03, 2023
The Globus Flows service will be briefly unavailable starting at 3:30 pm US Central on Saturday, December 3, 2022 in order to accommodate database upgrades. We anticipate this downtime will be less than ten minutes.
GenePattern users can leverage Globus transfers for analysis of large biomedical datasets
July 07, 2022 | Brigitte Raumann
With the increasing prevalence of new ‘omics technologies such as single-cell RNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics, as well as multi-omic analysis methods that integrate datasets from different ‘omics domains, bioinformatics tools...
Maintenance Downtime for Database Upgrades - June 18, 2022
June 03, 2022 | Brigitte Raumann
To accommodate database upgrades, Globus services will be unavailable for up to an hour beginning at 9 am US Central on Saturday, June 18, 2022. During this planned downtime, the...
Globus Support for the 2022 NSF CC* Program
May 17, 2022 | Vas Vasiliadis
We are delighted to see NSF announce the 2022 edition of the Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) program. Over the years, this program has greatly enhanced research infrastructure at institutions of all...
Navigating Cloud Storage with Globus
February 18, 2022 | Greg Nawrocki
I was speaking with a colleague from another institution the other day. We were lamenting the lack of in-person events and actually missing traveling to visit colleagues at their home...
Scheduled and recurring transfers now available in the Globus web app
November 17, 2021 | Brigitte Raumann
Today we released Globus web app support for scheduled and regularly repeating transfers. Now scheduling a recurring transfer is as easy as scheduling a recurring meeting. Nightly backups to cloud...
Globus premium storage connectors: connecting researchers to their data
November 16, 2021 | Susan Tussy
Today’s researchers are faced with an increasingly complex storage landscape, and are implementing many different storage types and deployment models to meet their storage requirements. Globus is addressing this growing...
Migrating to Globus Connect Server Version 5
October 20, 2021 | Brigitte Raumann
Globus Connect Server version 5 (GCSv5) provides new capabilities and enhancements for both administrators and users and offers platform features that allow developers to build interesting data management solutions. Among...
Extra-fast Export: Globus Exceeds on Exascale Day by Accelerating Big-file Transfers
October 18, 2021 | Ian Foster
The petabytes produced and consumed by exascale computers must often be moved among elements of the international scientific infrastructure. Scientists have long relied upon Globus for efficient, reliable, and secure...
Globus CLI and SDK version 3 now available!
September 29, 2021 | Stephen Rosen
On March 7th of 2016, a couple of members of the Globus team started working on replacing the globusonline-transfer-api-client package. We debated what to call it. Was it the globus-client?...
Maintenance Downtime for Database Upgrades - September 18 2021
September 10, 2021 | Brigitte Raumann
To accommodate database upgrades, Globus Auth and Transfer services will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes beginning at 10 am US Central on Saturday, September 18, 2021. During this...
Data Access Enhances Healthcare Research
August 23, 2021 | Susan Tussy
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide leadership and direction for research programs aimed at enhancing health, lengthening life, and reducing illness and disability. Data is an important ingredient for—and...
Globus Helps Researchers Migrate Data on XSEDE's Comet Supercomputer
August 19, 2021 | Susan Tussy
During the month of July Globus transferred over 800 Terabytes of data on Comet, a dedicated NSF funded eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) cluster at the San Diego...
Globus Labs Participates in Two Student Summer Lab Programs
August 03, 2021 | Susan Tussy
Helping to Prepare our Researchers of Tomorrow Over the past few years Globus Labs has participated in two student summer lab programs at the University of Chicago - the Center...
Globus Enables National Cyberinfrastructures
July 07, 2021 | Susan Tussy
Researchers now more than ever need a highly scalable, friction-free data management solution to effectively address the complexities of conducting modern research.
State Of the Craft in Research Data Management
June 14, 2021 | Susan Tussy
Part V Data volumes are exploding, and the need to efficiently store and share data quickly, reliably and securely—along with making the data discoverable—is increasingly important. Deliberate planning and execution...
Exploring New Frontiers in Compute and Data Methods
June 07, 2021 | Susan Tussy
Mountains of data are being generated faster than ever before, and there is an ever-growing need to manage this exponential growth. In order to manage these massive volumes of data it is paramount to address not only raw compute requirements, but also the methods and techniques used to rapidly, reliably and securely discover, access, transfer, store, and re-use the data.
Globus Auth Issues One Billion Tokens
March 02, 2021 | Susan Tussy
Research Data Management. Simplified. In order to leverage the ever-increasing vast amounts of data, breaking down research silos and integrating research services becomes essential. Key to accomplishing this goal is...
Globus now supports recurring and scheduled transfers
January 29, 2021 | Brigitte Raumann
We’re excited to announce that Globus now supports recurring and scheduled transfers. The new feature allows you to submit a job that will reliably request periodic transfers with a defined...
The State of the Craft in Research Data Management - Part IV
December 16, 2020 | Susan Tussy
Part IV in a Five-Part Series Data volumes are exploding, and the need to efficiently store and share data quickly, reliably and securely—along with making the data discoverable—is increasingly important....
The State of the Craft in Research Data Management - Part III
November 30, 2020 | Susan Tussy
Part III in a Five-Part Series Data volumes are exploding, and the need to efficiently store and share data quickly, reliably and securely—along with making the data discoverable—is increasingly important....
The State of the Craft in Research Data Management
November 23, 2020 | Susan Tussy
Part II in a Five-Part Series Data volumes are exploding, and the need to efficiently store and share data quickly, reliably and securely—along with making the data discoverable—is increasingly important....
Scientists at Argonne Leverage Globus in "Sim-City" Modelling to Battle COVID-19
October 19, 2020 | Susan Tussy
Image: Courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory Scientists at Argonne National Lab have deployed some of the Nation’s most powerful compute resources, and developed large-scale epidemiological models to provide policy makers...
The State of the Craft in Research Data Management - Part I
October 05, 2020 | Susan Tussy
Part I in a Five-Part Series Data volumes are exploding, and the need to efficiently store and share data quickly, reliably and securely—along with making the data discoverable—is increasingly important....
Distributed Collaborators & Data: Solving the World's Big Problems
August 28, 2020 | Susan Tussy
Distributed Collaborators & Data: Solving the World’s Big Problems Big problems such as finding cures for COVID and disease, increasing food production, or fighting climate change, all involve a tremendous...
Globus Connect Server v5.4 Is Now Available
July 26, 2020 | Vas Vasiliadis
The highly anticipated v5.4 of Globus Connect Server is now available. This release continues our march towards a unified Globus Connect Server v5 platform that incorporates all relevant features from...
Globus in the age of Global Pandemics
March 20, 2020 | Greg Nawrocki
By now many of us are working from home, out of labs and offices, and off campus. For several this necessity was a bit of a surprise, finding out over...
January 2020: Globus Turns 10...18
January 15, 2020 | Ian Foster
Reflections from Globus Co-Founder Ian Foster 2020 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Globus service as we know it today. It also promises to be a monumental year for the...
Go Globus: To Infinity and Beyond
January 10, 2020
(Originally published on University of Pittsburgh blog) Research Reality: Research projects can include multiple collaborators, generate large amounts of data, include hundreds or thousands of participants/samples, and require significant computing...
Real-Time Streaming Data Analysis Project Wins SC19 SCinet Challenge
December 04, 2019 | Mary Bass
Two essential elements of the cyberinfrastructure required to advance modern science are networking and high performance computing resources. That’s what SCinet set out to demonstrate at SC19 in Denver, with...
Now Available: Subscriber Welcome Kit
November 25, 2019 | Mary Bass
Are you a Globus subscriber? We now have a great resource for you: a Welcome Kit designed to get you up and running with Globus quickly and easily. The kit...
Globus CLI Batch Transfer Recipe
November 11, 2019
We’d like to share this walkthrough recently written up in GitHub for how to use the Globus CLI to list, filter, and batch submit a transfer from two locations into...
Remembering Steve Tuecke
November 04, 2019 | Ian Foster
It is with tremendous sadness that we share the news of the death of our dear friend and colleague Steve Tuecke on November 2, 2019. Our thoughts are especially with...
DataCite Switches to Globus for Authentication
October 15, 2019 | Mary Bass
(Originally published on DataCite blog October 14, 2019.) DataCite started work on improving DataCite authentication two months ago, beginning with a major upgrade of the Profiles service. One visible change...
Globus Publication: A New Approach
July 24, 2019 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue the data publication functions of the Globus service. This action only affects data publication functions—it does not affect core Globus services, such...
Why Globus for Extreme-Scale Cosmology: A Conversation with Argonne’s Katrin Heitmann
July 08, 2019 | Mary Bass
Globus recently saw the biggest single file transfer in our history: a team led by Argonne National Laboratory scientists moved 2.9 petabytes of data on the Summit system at Oak...
Globus and the Path to Sustainability
May 09, 2019 | Lee Liming
It’s been more than twenty years since the first public release of Globus software. In this article originally posted on the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) blog Globus Senior Technical...
Ian Foster Reflects on Parallel Computing Then, Now, and Future
April 10, 2019
Q&A with 2019 Babbage Award Recipient In March 2019, Ian Foster, director of Argonne’s Data Science and Learning division, received the 2019 IEEE Computer Society Charles Babbage Award for his...
XSEDE Uses Globus Auth for Web Single Sign-On
January 28, 2019 | Lee Liming
Used by researchers and students from all fields of science, XSEDE coordinates access to the National Science Foundation’s public supercomputing systems, such as Texas Advanced Computing Center’s Stampede2 and Pittsburgh...
New Globus Web App is Live
November 07, 2018 | Brigitte Raumann
Today we released the redesigned web app in production at! This replaces the old web app, which now is deprecated and will be discontinued in April 2019. Key resources:...
A Basic Globus Login for Apache Websites
October 15, 2018 | Lee Liming
One of the features Globus users appreciate is its user-friendly login mechanism. Globus allows users to login using Google, ORCID, or identities from any of the thousands of academic/research organizations...
Beta Release of New Globus Web App
October 11, 2018 | Brigitte Raumann
At GlobusWorld 2018, we announced ongoing work to redesign the Globus web app. We appreciate all the input we have received since then from users who tested the new web...
Announcing support for protected data management
August 31, 2018 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
I’m excited to announce that Globus services can now be used to manage protected data, including data regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The rich capabilities...
Using Globus in Jupyter Notebooks
May 30, 2018 | Lee Liming
My last post introduced the Jupyter “live notebook” environment and explained why our Globus team is working to make it easier to use Globus services in the Jupyter environment. Now,...
Ian Foster Presents at NCI ITCR18
May 24, 2018
At the National Cancer Institute's 2018 Annual Meeting for ITCR (Information Technology for Cancer Research), Ian Foster, Globus co-founder and Argonne Data Science and Learning Division Director, presented on "Building...
Updates to Globus Privacy Notice to Align with the GDPR
May 22, 2018 | Brigitte Raumann
As you may know, on May 25, 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will impose new obligations on organizations that control or process personally identifiable information about individuals...
Globus Connect Server 5.1 Now Available
May 17, 2018 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
Globus hosted a live webinar about the GCS5 release on June 7, 2018. To view the recorded session, click here. To access the slides, click here. Globus Connect Server is...
Deprecation of Hosted CLI
May 02, 2018 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
As we announced last week at GlobusWorld, the hosted CLI (legacy CLI) is currently deprecated and support for it will be discontinued on August 1, 2018. The hosted CLI has...
Storage Innovation Series: Cloud-Based Storage for Research Use Cases
April 18, 2018 | Steve Tuecke
In the sixth and final article in this series, we turn our attention from on-premise to cloud-based storage. I’ll be addressing four primary types of cloud storage: file storage, object...
If it's good enough for the Secretary of Energy...
March 28, 2018
This week in a trip to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, the U.S. Secretary of Energy used Globus to move 500GB of data between ALCF and NERSC. In the HPC world,...
Data Science and the Jupyter Notebook Environment
March 01, 2018 | Lee Liming
If you’re not already using Jupyter notebooks in your research or teaching, you might want to take a look. Our vision at Globus is to vastly improve the overall research...
Second year of Globus Auth, by the numbers
February 15, 2018 | Mattias Lidman
This week we are happy to celebrate the second birthday of Globus Auth, our authentication and authorization platform. Globus Auth now supports nearly 91,000 users from our 478 identity providers....
Storage Innovation Series: Making Tape Work – What You Need to Know
February 13, 2018 | Steve Tuecke
The venerable storage format, tape, is the topic of the fifth article in our Storage Innovation blog series. If you’re shocked by the mention of tape in a series about...
Globus now supports secure, scalable search using custom metadata
February 06, 2018 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
I am pleased to announce that the Globus platform now supports search capabilities, providing a secure and scalable solution for research data discovery. Discovery of research data relies on the...
January 2018: Looking Back and Ahead
January 30, 2018 | Ian Foster
New Year's Reflections from Globus Co-Founder Ian Foster Happy New Year! As 2017 fades into memory, I thought it might be interesting to reflect a bit on where we’ve been...
Storage Innovation Series: Turnkey On-Premise Storage: A Conversation with HGST
January 11, 2018 | Steve Tuecke
This is the 4th article in our Storage Innovation blog series. We’ve been discussing on-premise storage in the past two posts, and in the last post I talked about the...
Update and test your Globus Connect Server configuration
November 27, 2017 | Greg Nawrocki
Note: With the release of Globus Connect Server v5, this article contains outdated/inaccurate information. Please refer to this document for help with troubleshooting Globus Connect Server connectivity issues. If you...
Data retention policy will change on December 4, 2017
November 21, 2017 | Vas Vasiliadis
We are changing our policy governing retention of file transfer activity data. Starting December 4, 2017, we will remove summary data for file transfer tasks older than 3 months. While...
Storage Innovation Series: Roll Your Own Storage - Pros and Cons
November 06, 2017 | Steve Tuecke
This is the third in our Storage Innovations blog series. In our last post, we talked about the benefits of turnkey on-premise storage solutions. In today’s post I’ll be addressing...
Important: Update your Globus Connect Server configuration
October 25, 2017 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
Many of you may have seen our recent announcement that we are working towards making Globus data management solutions suitable for use with protected data and in HIPAA regulated environments....
Storage Innovation Series: Is “Turnkey” On-Premise Storage Possible?: A Conversation with SpectraLogic
October 19, 2017 | Steve Tuecke
This is the second in our Storage Innovations blog series, and the first post about on-premise solutions. In this article we’ve invited Matt Starr at Spectra Logic to provide insights...
Storage Innovation Series: The Current State of Campus Research Storage
October 09, 2017 | Steve Tuecke
In this first in a series of posts about what’s going on in big data storage, especially as relates to research centers, universities and labs, I’ll be talking about the...
Is free Globus going away?
September 22, 2017 | Vas Vasiliadis
A few months ago we announced that support for the open source Globus Toolkit is ending. Since then we've become aware of confusion regarding the details and impact of this...
The New Google Drive Connector: Notes from Product Management
September 20, 2017 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
We recently announced availability of Globus for Google Drive, adding another storage system that can be used with the Globus service. Globus for Google Drive was driven by customer demand...
Support for Globus Nexus authentication discontinued
July 28, 2017 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
In December 2016, we announced the deprecation of OAuth 2.0 service provided by Globus Nexus (also known as GOAuth), and since then we have worked with several user groups to...
Support for Open Source Globus Toolkit Ends January 2018
May 26, 2017 | Vas Vasiliadis
We are announcing that, starting in January 2018, the Globus team at the University of Chicago will no longer support the open source Globus Toolkit, except for its use with...
Introducing the SDK and CLI
April 14, 2017 | Stephen Rosen
Scripting With Globus Just Got Easy! curl "" ssh "..." subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "", "..."]) Say "hello" to the new Globus SDK and CLI! As of April, 2017, these products are...
First year of Globus Auth, by the numbers
February 13, 2017
Today we are happy to celebrate the 1-year birthday of Globus Auth, our authentication and authorization platform. In the year since its launch, Globus Auth has supported over 52,000 users,...
Deprecating Globus Nexus Authentication
December 07, 2016 | Teresa Gugerty
We are deprecating the OAuth 2.0 service provided by Globus Nexus (also known as GOAuth). Authentication interfaces in Globus Nexus are deprecated and will be discontinued April 30, 2017. Globus...
The new Globus CLI is available in a beta release
December 01, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
Several users have requested a native command line client to Globus services that can be installed on a local machine and used for simple scripting. We have just released a...
Announcing The GlobusWorld Tour
August 09, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
We're excited to announce that we're taking GlobusWorld on the road! Over the next few months we will be conducting a series of workshops at university campuses and national facilities...
Update Globus Connect Personal before August 9, 2016
July 22, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
The certificate used by Globus Connect Personal endpoints to securely connect to Globus expires on August 9, 2016. We released updated packages with new certificates a few weeks ago. If...
Removing deprecated scp command
July 17, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
Late last year we deprecated the scp command in the Globus command line interface (CLI), and provided features in the transfer command for parity. In the nine months since it...
glibc vulnerability: Action required for Linux users
February 17, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
On February 16, 2016 a new critical vulnerability CVE-2015-7547 - "glibc getaddrinfo() stack-based buffer overflow" was announced. We have reviewed the severity and impact to Globus services, partner services and...
Enhanced Login Mechanism Streamlines Access To Globus
February 11, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
We’re excited to announce changes to the way users access Globus that removes a lot of the “friction” currently associated with signing up and using the service. On February 13th,...
Sparkle Updater Issue Fixed: Action Required for Mac Users
February 10, 2016 | Vas Vasiliadis
Recently, a new vulnerability was discovered in the Sparkle Updater framework on Mac OS, that is used by Globus Connect Personal to check for, and install, updates. All Mac users...
Self-service usage reports now available to Globus subscribers
September 03, 2015 | Vas Vasiliadis
Globus subscribers now have direct access to usage reports for their managed endpoints via the Globus web interface (previously, subscribers had to request usage data from the Globus support team)....
Cancel and Pause/Resume tasks using the management console
August 21, 2015 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
We continue to build out premium capabilities for administering endpoints. The management console, which is now in production, was recently updated with features that allow endpoint administrators to cancel or...
100PB contest winner
June 30, 2015 | Vas Vasiliadis
The winner of our 100PB contest is Todd Raeker from the University of Michigan. Todd came closest in predicting the date and time at which Globus would pass the 100PB...
100 Petabytes moved!
June 29, 2015 | Vas Vasiliadis
Last week we passed a pretty cool milestone for the Globus service: 100 petabytes of data moved! Even in this age of "big data", 100PB is a big number. How...
NCAR uses Globus for RDA data distribution
June 24, 2015 | Vas Vasiliadis
We're thrilled to see NCAR using Globus to distribute data from their Research Data Archive (RDA). The RDA contains a large and diverse collection of meteorological and oceanographic observations, operational...
Access Manager Role for Shared Endpoints
May 27, 2015 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan
A new feature that allows users to delegate management of shared endpoints was demonstrated at GlobusWorld 2015. This feature allows the creator of a shared endpoint to assign the access...
Case Study: Transfer of large datasets to Amazon S3
May 14, 2015 | Vas Vasiliadis
Knowledge Lab is a University of Chicago research center that seeks to leverage insights into the dynamics of knowledge creation and advances in large-scale computation to reimagine the scientific processes...
Sysadmins please note: Service update may affect some Globus Connect Server endpoints.
December 05, 2014 | Vas Vasiliadis
On Monday, December 8, 2014 we'll be updating the Globus file transfer service. As part of this update we're adding another IP address to the service that executes file transfer...
Big improvements in Globus performance on Amazon S3 endpoints
November 11, 2014 | Vas Vasiliadis
Our first implementation for transferring files to/from Amazon S3 endpoints (buckets) was a good proof of concept but performance was, at best, average. In our latest release, we’ve upped the...
The Globus policies, they are a-changin'
October 16, 2014 | Vas Vasiliadis
We recently changed the policies that govern access to certain Globus features. These changes are informed by our experiences in offering paid subscriptions to researchers and resource providers over the...
User of the Month, May 2014: Robert Edwards
May 27, 2014 | Laurel Wamsley
We are happy to announce that the Globus user of the month for May 2014 is Robert Edwards, a staff scientist in the Theory Group at Jefferson Lab, a Department...
GlobusWorld 2014: Keynote and some big ideas
April 23, 2014 | Laurel Wamsley
GlobusWorld 2014 took place in Chicago last week and it was a great success, drawing more than 120 HPC computing experts and scientists to Argonne National Lab for the three-day...
Dealing with the OpenSSL Vulnerability
April 08, 2014 | Vas Vasiliadis
By now, almost every system administrator on the planet is aware of the OpenSSL vulnerability (also known as the Heartbleed bug). Since its announcement we've been hard at work reviewing...
"January Effect" is alive and well
February 10, 2014 | Vas Vasiliadis
In the stock markets, the so-called "January Effect" is the increase in stock prices during the month of January that commentators attribute to investors buying stocks after having sold them...
User of the Month December 2013: Joel Brownstein
December 10, 2013 | Raj Kettimuthu
I am pleased to honor Joel Brownstein from the University of Utah as the Globus User of the Month for December 2013. Professor Joel Brownstein is the data archivist of...
Globus Connect Server Accepted for XSEDE Campus Bridging
November 18, 2013 | Vas Vasiliadis
XSEDE just announced that Globus Connect Server (formerly called Globus Connect Multiuser) is now accepted for use in Campus Bridging. Campus Bridging efforts in XSEDE aim to lower the barriers...
Users of the Month, August 2013: Brian Leu, Parth Sheth, and Albert Liu
August 19, 2013 | Laurel Wamsley
We had the pleasure of meeting this month’s honored users in person at the XSEDE13 Conference in San Diego last month. Brian Leu, Parth Sheth, and Albert Liu are all...
10,000 users and counting!
June 14, 2013 | Vas Vasiliadis
We just crossed the 10,000 mark for registered users and it made me think of the early days of Globus Online. Our first users were Shreyas Cholia, David Skinner, and...
Major update to Globus Connect Multiuser
June 10, 2013 | Vas Vasiliadis
We just released Globus Connect Multiuser version 2. This is a major update over the previous version, featuring: Native packaging: Native RPM and Debian packages for more than a dozen...
May 2013 User of the Month: Vadim Roytershteyn
May 06, 2013 | Raj Kettimuthu
It is my pleasure to announce that we have selected Vadim Roytershteyn as the user of the month for May 2013. Vadim is a plasma physicist at SciberQuest, Inc., where...
January 2013 User of the Month: Ann Syrowski
January 23, 2013
I am happy to announce that the user of the month for January 2013 is Ann Syrowski from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ann is a Research Professional in the...
December 2012 User of the Month: Kurt LaButti
December 28, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
It is my pleasure to announce that the user of the month for December 2012 is Kurt LaButti from the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute. Kurt has been in...
Use Test Endpoints to Anticipate Your Data Transfer Rates
November 30, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
ESnet (Energy Sciences Network) has deployed three anonymous read-only GridFTP servers for testing purposes. These GridFTP servers are available as endpoints on Globus Online: esnet#anl-diskpt1, esnet#bnl-diskpt1 and esnet#lbl-diskpt1. Globus Online...
Globus Online is a non-profit serving non-profits
November 16, 2012 | Vas Vasiliadis
Earlier this week at the SC12 conference we announced a set of new services that we plan to launch early in 2013, including a simple, fast way to share big...
October 2012 User of the Month: Dmitry Ozerov
November 02, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
I am pleased to announce that the user of the month for October 2012 is Dmitry Ozerov from DESY in Germany. Dmitry has a background in particle physics research and...
September 2012 User of the Month: Kenneth Aird
October 15, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
I am happy to announce that the user of the month for September 2012 is Kenneth Aird from University of Chicago. Ken is a software engineer at the Department of...
August 2012 User of the Month: Oliver Witzel
September 10, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
It is my pleasure to announce that Oliver Witzel from Boston University has been selected as the user of the month for August 2012. Oliver is a postdoctoral researcher at...
July 2012 User of the Month: Jeff Porter
August 09, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
For July’s User of the Month, the winner is Jeff Porter from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory! Jeff Porter currently works to support computing needs of experimental High Energy Nuclear Physics...
June 2012 User of the Month: Brian O'Shea
July 10, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
It is my pleasure to announce that Brian O'Shea from Michigan State University has been selected as the user of the month for June 2012. In the month of June,...
May 2012 User of the Month: William Daughton
June 06, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
For May’s User of the Month, I’m pleased to announce that we have selected William Daughton from Los Alamos National Laboratory! William Daughton is a physicist in the Plasma Theory...
April 2012 User of the Month: Dan Kozak
May 09, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
For April's User of the Month, I am happy to announce that the winner is Dan Kozak from Caltech. Dan Kozak is the Data Archive Administrator for LIGO, an NSF...
March 2012 User of the Month: Colin Morningstar
March 06, 2012 | Raj Kettimuthu
For March’s User of the Month, I’m pleased to announce that we have selected Colin Morningstar from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)! Colin Morningstar is a Professor of Physics at CMU...
February 2012 User of the Month: Matt Becker
February 03, 2012 | Paul Dave
For February's User of the Month, I'm pleased to announce the winner is Matthew Becker from University of Chicago! Who he is: Matt Becker is a graduate student at Kavli...
January 2012 User of the Month: Greg Salvesen
January 19, 2012 | Paul Dave
For 2012’s first User of the Month, I’m happy to announce that we have selected Greg Salvesen from the University of Colorado. Who he is: Greg is a graduate student...
GT 5.2.0 has been released!!
January 10, 2012 | Stuart Martin
I can't tell you how good it feels to have GT 5.2.0 officially announced!! Well, actually, I can and I'm going to :-) Back in the day when the Globus...
Using "If This Then That" to manage Globus Online activities
December 14, 2011 | Ian Foster
If This Then That ( is an intriguing new service for managing and integrating social media. It lets you specify simple rules of the form: if <this event> then do...
MyProxy oAuth
November 15, 2011 | Vas Vasiliadis
In collaboration with the XSEDE Project, Globus Online is happy to announce support for MyProxy oAuth, an authentication and x509 credential retrieval service developed by the MyProxy Team at NCSA....
November 2011 User of the Month: Jin-Ho Yoon
November 01, 2011 | Raj Kettimuthu
For November's User of the Month, I’m happy to announce that we have selected Jin-Ho Yoon from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Who he is: Jin-Ho is a scientist in the...
Building Hosted Services for Scientists: 4 Important Lessons Learned
October 31, 2011 | Ian Foster
In our work with many hundreds of researchers who work in smaller labs, we’ve learned a few things about what is likely to be adopted and what is likely to...
October 2011 User of the Month: Gary Bates
October 01, 2011 | Paul Dave
For October's User of the Month, I’m happy to announce that we have selected Gary Bates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Who he is: Gary works in...
Add Computation to the Mix: Deploying HPC Clusters on EC2 with Globus Provision
September 13, 2011 | Borja Sotomayor
Picture this: You just got access to an awesome dataset, and you can't wait to start tinkering with it. Maybe it's stored in some remote observatory, or maybe it's right...
Handling Science Data: As Always, Devil's in the Details
September 12, 2011 | Stuart Martin
We've been operating the Globus Online file transfer service for 10 months now, and along the way we've learned a thing or two about handling data for scientists. Yes, we...
September 2011 User of the Month: Sarah Kenny
September 01, 2011 | Paul Dave
For the September User of the Month, I’m happy to announce that we have selected Sarah Kenny from the University of California, Irvine. Who she is: Sarah is a neuroscience...
August 2011 User of the Month: Greg Daues
August 01, 2011 | Paul Dave
For August User of the Month, I’m pleased to announce we have selected Greg Daues from NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications). Who he is: Greg is a research programmer...
July 2011 User of the Month: Katrin Heitmann
July 01, 2011 | Paul Dave
A few months back, we launched a “User of the Month” program to highlight innovative and impactful usage of Globus Online that the entire user community might want to hear...
The Problem With Australian Laptops ..
June 10, 2011 | Vas Vasiliadis
.. is that they now come with enormous disks. So we are seeing research workers storing everything from patient X-rays to car proving-ground videos on their Windows-7 machines with terabyte...
Medical NLP in the Cloud
June 07, 2011 | Vas Vasiliadis
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has the potential to dramatically influence the way in which clinical care and medical research is conducted. Pilot studies have shown that NLP engines, such as...
June 2011 User of the Month: Steven Gottlieb
June 01, 2011 | Raj Kettimuthu
Last month we launched a “User of the Month” program to draw attention to particularly impressive, innovative and/or widely applicable usage scenarios that the entire user community should know about....
Getting a Bigger 'N' for Studies of Rare Conditions
May 25, 2011 | Lee Liming
I get a kick out of seeing "ordinary" information technologies make new kinds of science possible. For example, the ability to move and share digital data is a pretty mundane...
When Trivial Becomes Critical: File Transfer and its Role in Genomic Sequencing
May 19, 2011 | Brigitte Raumann
I think I can speak for most biologists when I say I never thought I would be worrying about file transfer. Compute power, yes. Storage space, maybe. But file transfer?...
GO Behind the Scenes: Globus Online relies on Amazon's EC2
May 16, 2011 | Stuart Martin
I am delighted to write this inaugural post for "GO Behind the Scenes" -- our Dev column in the new Globus Online (GO) blog. Entries could come from any member...
May 2011 User of the Month: NERSC
May 11, 2011 | Paul Dave
We are very pleased to see so many of our users utilizing Globus Online to support their scientific research -- this week I heard one user had moved 6TB of...
May 09, 2011 | Ian Foster
Welcome to the Globus Online blog! On these pages we plan to present/discuss/debate a range of topics dear to the hearts of computational researchers: data movement, information sharing and collaboration,...
Research from the coffee shop
May 09, 2011 | Ian Foster
As I pondered what tone to setting for this blog, I tried to put myself in the shoes of the professional researcher. While I’ve lived that life, the everyday life...