"data transfer"


  • Enabling integration across research infrastructures for accelerating science

    March 06, 2025   |  Ryan Chard

    Welcome to our blog series on using Globus to integrate diverse research infrastructures to accelerate science. In today's data-intensive scientific landscape, it is increasingly necessary to make use of resources that are located at different facilities. Resilient X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy With Facility Failover

  • Automate your data management tasks to accelerate discovery

    July 11, 2023   |  Susan Tussy

    Today’s researchers must automate some of their data management tasks as they utilize the newest instruments, many of which generate terabytes of data daily. Globus Flows does just that. It defines and automates simple as well as complex, scalable multi-step, human-in-the-loop data flows securely and reliably.

  • Globus and ACCESS Simplify Data Management for Supercomputer Users

    September 15, 2023   |  Lee Liming

    One year into the new NSF ACCESS program, Globus and ACCESS continue to work together to simplify the data management experience in the nation’s premier open science computing environment.


  • Globus Announces New Endochronic Communication Capability

    CHICAGO, Illinois—April 1, 2024—We're excited to announce work by the Globus team that applies thiotimoline to pre-transmission, and brings endochronicity to the research enterprise. File transfers are now just an intent away!

  • Moving data day

    September 20, 2023  |  U-M Medical School Blog

    University of Michigan data technology experts met with Globus team members to talk about data transfer, a topic of great interest for scientists since nowadays most scientists are data scientists. They need not only to collect, curate and analyze data, but also manage and move data between servers, and often very large quantities of it. Scientists are also responsible for the security of their data requiring safe data management tools. In a world where science is collaborative, it is crucial to move data securely and effectively between research partners in a distributed environment, within or across organizations.

User Stories

  • Globus Provides Reliable Transfer Service for Collaborative Research at the International Brain Laboratory

    International Brain Laboratory

    The International Brain Laboratory (IBL) is a collaborative research organization which focuses on neuroscience, and the study of brain wide circuits for complex behavior. IBL created a modular system architecture to address their data management challenges.

  • Globus Facilitated Data Access, Transfer and Multi-institutional Sharing

    Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)

    The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is a Department of Energy, Office of Science, User Facility funded by the Biological and Environmental Research program. EMSL set up a data management pipeline together with the Northwest Cryo-EM Processing Center (PNCC) and with Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) that enables researchers to build detailed 3D models and determine the atomic structures of biomolecules using cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM).

  • Genomic Researchers Rely on Globus for Large Data Transfers

    University of Michigan

    The Biomedical Research Core Facility, like all facilities dealing with human genome sequencing, are experiencing explosive data growth. Fact: every two days they are delivering more data than they did in their first 20 years of existence. The Advanced Genomics core team employs both “push and pull” methods to handle data transfers with Globus.

  • ATLAS Experiment with Cori and Theta

    National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF)

    The ATLAS experiment is a general purpose particle detector based at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. ATLAS scientists use Globus to transfer data between Theta, the ALCF's Intel-Cray system which serves as a bridge to exascale, and NERSC's Cori supercomputer.

  • Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) at Oak Ridge National Lab

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Data Center (ADC) is a long-term archive and distribution facility for various ground-based, aerial and model data products in support of atmospheric and climate research. Users employ Globus for transferring terabytes of data from ADC to their home institutions, and ADC is using Globus for its operations including transferring data between clusters as well as disaster recovery.

  • Blue Waters at NCSA

    University of Illinois

    The Blue Waters team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications utilizes Globus sharing so users can quickly, effectively, and securely share data sets with their research community or the broader public.

  • Brain Mapping and Neurobiology

    University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory

    The Kasthuri lab at the University of Chicago and Argonne is pioneering new techniques for brain mapping of the fine structure of the nervous system – 'connectomics' and 'projectomics'. They hope to help answer questions like: how do brains learn as they grow up? And how do brains differ across individuals and across species? And how can we reverse engineer brain function in our own computers and robots? Globus is used by these researchers for file transfer and sharing.

  • Building a Genomic Data Repository Using the Globus Platform

    New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)

    A few years ago NeSI adopted Globus as their de facto national data transfer platform for research.

  • Building the Next Generation Earth System Grid Federation and the Globus Platform

    Earth Science Group Federation (ESGF)

    ESGF is an international collaboration between many groups for the software that powers most global climate change research. The output data is used by scientists all over the world. A new team is working to modernize the data backplane, and are in the midst of developing a new architecture which is based on the Globus platform - ESGF2. Globus Transfer is already being leveraged, and recently was used to make two redundant copies of the 7.5 PBs of ESGF data by transferring the data via ESnet in under 90 days.

  • Data Distribution for European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)

    European Bioinformatics Institute

    EBI is one of the world's leading providers of life science data to a global community. Moving data from where it is generated, to and from archives and to where the user wishes to analyze it, is supported via Globus.

  • SIMULOCEAN Science Gateway

    Texas A&M, Louisiana State University, San Diego Supercomputing Center

    A research scientist at Texas A&M has been working to deploy a containerized coastal model on XSEDE resources, work that started at LSU. The goal is to develop and deploy enhancements into the SIMULOCEAN science gateway, integrating new Docker features of Bridges and Globus capabilities for authentication, file transfer and sharing. The PI also collaborated with SDSC.

Other Pages

  • Get Started

    Use Globus services to transfer, share, and discover data securely and reliably from your own storage locations using just a web browser.

  • Globus Transfer service

    Research applications often require sophisticated data management capabilities, for example to move large amounts of data between acquisition, storage, analysis and archival. However, doing so efficiently and reliably is often...