"data sharing"


User Stories

  • Globus Facilitated Data Access, Transfer and Multi-institutional Sharing

    Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)

    The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is a Department of Energy, Office of Science, User Facility funded by the Biological and Environmental Research program. EMSL set up a data management pipeline together with the Northwest Cryo-EM Processing Center (PNCC) and with Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) that enables researchers to build detailed 3D models and determine the atomic structures of biomolecules using cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM).

  • Accelerating Research at UCSD with Globus


    Researchers are now able to reliably transfer and share large data sets, and even share protected data with ease. With the increase in Globus managed endpoints, researchers at UC San Diego can easily transfer and share data both internally and with researchers outside UC San Diego.

  • Brain Mapping and Neurobiology

    University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory

    The Kasthuri lab at the University of Chicago and Argonne is pioneering new techniques for brain mapping of the fine structure of the nervous system – 'connectomics' and 'projectomics'. They hope to help answer questions like: how do brains learn as they grow up? And how do brains differ across individuals and across species? And how can we reverse engineer brain function in our own computers and robots? Globus is used by these researchers for file transfer and sharing.

  • Building an Advanced Crop Analytics Portal

    Transportation Energy Resources from Renewable Agriculture Phenotyping Reference Platform (TERRA-REF)

    Used Globus to build portal which will provide open access to huge datasets that will guide breeding decisions, facilitate collaboration, and allow unprecedented data sharing

  • SIMULOCEAN Science Gateway

    Texas A&M, Louisiana State University, San Diego Supercomputing Center

    A research scientist at Texas A&M has been working to deploy a containerized coastal model on XSEDE resources, work that started at LSU. The goal is to develop and deploy enhancements into the SIMULOCEAN science gateway, integrating new Docker features of Bridges and Globus capabilities for authentication, file transfer and sharing. The PI also collaborated with SDSC.

  • Data Sharing via Globus in the NIH Intramural Program


    The HPC facility at the National Institutes of Health's Intramural campus has had a Globus endpoint since 2012. Globus is used routinely for data transfer along with other methods, but the Globus data-sharing capabilities in particular have been enthusiastically embraced by the NIH HPC users.

  • Enabling the Open Storage Network

    National Science Foundation

    The Open Storage Network (OSN) is creating a storage appliance which will read and write from disks at speed, with a capacity of about 1.5PB. In conjunction with the National Data Service and John Hopkins University, Globus is helping to build a distributed storage platform for OSN, based on object storage with Globus Auth federated identity authorization to promote cross-institutional data sharing for OSN users.

  • End-end AI Frameworks for Scientific Discovery at Scale

    Argonne National Lab

    Scientists wanted to study gravitational waves, and as a result of the exponential growth of data, days of supercomputing time were needed to keep up with all the data. Models were trained using supercomputers and were then shared and accessed through DLHub. Users then were able to reuse and refine the existing models combined with funcX .

  • Global Collaborations Using Machine Learning with MRI Images

    University of Queensland, Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNet)

    The University collaborates globally on the use of machine learning in an effort to speed up the reconstruction and affordability of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). The secure and fast data sharing enabled by Globus allowed for the rapid transfer of large data sets which made collaborations easier and faster.

  • Globus simplifies data sharing with collaborators

    Max Planck Computing and Data Facility

    MPCDF has been using Globus as a production (DataHub) service for data transfer since 2017. Globus was implemented because it allows for fast, reliable and secure large scale data transfer. Plus it provides researchers with a nice user experience through its “fire and forget” capabilities, where transferring large amounts of data through a point and click interface is trouble-free, even for datasets that are many GBs or even TBs in size.

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  • Get Started

    Use Globus services to transfer, share, and discover data securely and reliably from your own storage locations using just a web browser.