"data search"


  • Enabling integration across research infrastructures for accelerating science

    March 06, 2025   |  Ryan Chard

    Welcome to our blog series on using Globus to integrate diverse research infrastructures to accelerate science. In today's data-intensive scientific landscape, it is increasingly necessary to make use of resources that are located at different facilities. Resilient X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy With Facility Failover

  • Globus Participates in Three-Year Program to Modernize the Earth Systems Grid Federation

    February 12, 2024   |  Lee Liming

    Globus is involved in a three-year program to upgrade the ESGF data nodes operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Globus excels at large-scale data access. So the nodes are being upgraded to use lab-wide storage with Globus access rather than custom storage and data access systems purchased and operated by the climate research teams.

User Stories

  • Building a Genomic Data Repository Using the Globus Platform

    New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)

    A few years ago NeSI adopted Globus as their de facto national data transfer platform for research.

  • DLHub: Supporting Machine Learning in Materials Science

    University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory

    The Data and Learning Hub for Science (DLHub) serves as an automated facilitator and interconnection point for ML models and associated data transformation and analysis tools. It allows researchers to describe and publish such tools in ways that support discovery and reuse; run published tools over the network (with tools executed on a scalable hosted infrastructure); and link models, other tools, and data sources into complete ML/AI pipelines that can themselves be published, discovered, and run. DLHub relies on Globus services for data management.

  • DOE's KBase Program

    Argonne National Lab, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Oakridge National Lab, Brookhaven National Lab, Cold Spring Harbor Lab

    KBase is a data platform for the biological sciences, promising to improve the face of scientific analysis and publication. One capability of KBase is to gather all scientific data related to a particular study in one place (facilitated by the Globus data management and file transfer system), making it easy for future researchers to track this data down and build upon existing work.