2023 Internet2 Community Exchange

May 8 – 11, 2023 (All Day)

Globus will be presenting at this year’s Community Exchange:

Title: Democratizing Compute at All Scales
Speaker: Vas Vasiliadis Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The advanced computing playing field is fundamentally non-level: a small fraction of researchers have access to substantial resources—with respect to both capacity and capability—that allow them to easily scale their work from proof-of concept to large-scale experiments; but the majority are constrained by a lack of access and the advanced skills required to move from small- to ultra-scale. A number of efforts, such as the recently announced ACCESS project, are making it easier for disadvantaged groups to compute at scale, but the technical hurdles remain. We will describe and demonstrate how a novel implementation of functions-as-a-service enables even those with only rudimentary programming knowledge to easily compute at any scale, from a laptop to a supercomputer.

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