October 21 – 24, 2024 (All Day)
  • San Antonio, TX

We will be speaking at this year’s EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. Be sure to join our breakout session if you are attending EDUCAUSE2024.

Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. CT
Location: Meeting Room 221D, Second Level Speakers: Vas Vasiliadis
Title: Reimagining Research Cyberinfrastructure: An Enterprise IT Perspective
Abstract: Once considered a niche group serving a small fraction of faculty using highly bespoke resources, research computing and data management teams are increasingly viewed as a strategic part of campus IT. This is borne out by our experience with providing software and services to research computing groups at over 1,000 higher ed institutions, national laboratories and independent research organizations. We will share emerging best practices adopted by forward-looking institutions that are successfully integrating research cyber-infrastructure with enterprise IT, illustrated by multiple examples. We will describe how advanced software-as-a-service capabilities provided by the Globus team at the University of Chicago can facilitate such a transformation. We will highlight use cases of growing strategic IT importance, including how collaboration may be enhanced by enabling secure sharing of data and computing resources, and how to navigate the daunting challenge of managing data generated by a rapidly growing population of instruments.